August 5, 2016

The Final Reset - Greatest Spiritual Planetary Events to date

The Final Reset

13 - 20 August 2016
One of our Greatest Spiritual Planetary Events
to date witnessed Universally

Full Rainbow Lightwarrior Planetary Tribe Activation
Final Fall of the False god and ALL False/Fake Codes

We are preparing for one of Mother Earth's greatest modern spiritual and energetic events to date, taking place between 13th August - 20 August 2016.

Many Lightwarrior groups across the globe have been alerted to this import Transcendence Window opening up for us as Goddess Gaia reclaims her power fully. This signals the final activation, also referred to by my Starseed Light Team as the Final Reset. 

We now have the opprtunity to experience our energy and that of Mother Earth's more fully as an Ascension Planet. This has been secured successfully in the grids and now the Benevolent Beings of the Light World working with Goddess Gaia have received the go ahead to turn the world back on her feet. 

According to Kuthumi-Agrippa the dark god, posing as the God of Light, inserted a crystal into the earth, but inserted it upside down. Similar crystals were inserted at key points across the planet, which were designed to keep the energy of Mother Earth upside down and inside out. Everything was reversed and the "the Fall" or Descension took over. 

On the solstice of June 21st 2016, which included the Full Moon on the same day, a rare event in itself, a powerful column of light was anchored in Killeen, Texas and has been anchored as one of the energy points facilitating this shift. This shift represents the final fall of ALL false powers and especially the false god and goddess. 

This almighty event is being triggered from the Sphinx area of the Bucegi Mountains in Romania, above the location of the 50,000 year old off planet technology discovered in 2003, which is where I will travel personally with a group under leadership of Michelle Manders of Palace of Peace and where she will be conducting a live activation and channelling on the 13th of August. This energy is linking up with other powerful Rainbow Lightwarriors around the globe who have felt the attunement and call to stand ready to receive our call to now get back on our feet and flowing in the direction of our Authentic Divine Nature. Patricia Cote-Robles and her group will be in Alaska at precisely the same time. 

The energies being anchored through Michelle and us as her Light Team, as well as my phenonemal brother and sisters - The Emerald Ray Clan of Earth Guardians, serve to secure the grids on Earth responsible for removing from Mother Earth's Bio-energetic field all false and fake codes and powers. This also signals the time of the final fall of religion too. 

This is an ending and beginning of colossal proprtions and we have the opportunity to make this moment count beyond our human life-time.

Each of us are being afforded the opportunity to stand up and consciously choose the direction we wish to move in and be supported in the most phenomenal ways. This Ascension Window is delivering to us, and Mother Earth, one of our greatest gifts of this life-time too. The end of suffering as we have come to know it. We must now take our position as Master Builders and together restore Mother Earth to her original pristine and pure energy we, The Rainbow Lightwarriors have been assigned to do.

The 13th of August also marks the day Saturn turns direct after 4,5 months of retrograde motion through the constellation of Sagittarius. Venus, Mercury, Mars, Moon and Saturn will all be perfectly lined up in the heavens on this day too, marking another important cosmic moment. 

There is also very important Hebrew significance, which was shared with me by one of our Emerald Ray Guardians - she wrote: " I was surprised to see it falls on a special day in our Hebrew calendar - the 9th day of the month Av, which is the day the 1st and 2nd Temples fell. Also many other tragedies befell the Jewish people on this day, including the expulsion of the Jews from Spain 500 years ago. But it is also considered to be a day in which sorrow will turn to joy and redemption, and according to tradition the Messiah will be born on this day. Whether the Messiah will be a person or Christ Consciousness is not known. According to Kuthumi-Agrippa, this day (13th August 2016) will be the end of the Kali Yuga era and the beginning of a new era of Love and Wisdom. The word 'Love' in Hebrew in Gimatrya (Numerology) is 13."

And out of the Kabbalah knowledge my Soul Contract Readings are based on I have added as a Guardian: "The number 13 is one of the original 3 sounds, the letter M or MEM, associated with NEPTUNE, the planetary Lord who has been overseeing this project washing away the false ans fake codes of illusion stored within our subconscious and celleulary, and the key word for it is the LOVE OF THE DIVINE FEMININE, with a symbol of water and wisdom. It carries transcendence and non-duality in it's characteristics and spiritual principle, with healthy aspects - and I quote "non-judgemental and non-attached stillness that waits for others to come to it where it bathe it in love, compassion and peace." The 13 in Kabbalah symbolizes creation or water, the womb, the un-manifested Mother, the ocean of consciousness, divine compassionate love. And, above all, the 13 correlates with the 2nd Ray of Love and Wisdom (the Ray Kuthumi-Agrippa oversees.) "

This is a day of celebration not to be missed and Michelle Manders will be making the channelling for this day FREE to all of you once she has finished channelling live at the Sphinx at the Bucegi Mountains in Romania.

For downloading you can check out her website Palace of Peace, free channellings here

I am honored and humbled to be an anchoring part of this project. According to Kuthumi-Agrippa we are writing history.

With Love, Light, Wisdom and Truth,

If you would like to know more about this phenomenal site of the Bucegi Mountains in Romania, please read the book "Transylvanian Sunrise" by Peter Moon and Radu Cinemar.

If you would like to read more about the Bucegi Mountains on the internet, a quite informative link is here.

And if you like to read more about our pilgrimage to Romania, please click here

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