SPINAL Alignment Therapy

Spinal Alignment Therapy

The SPINAL ALIGNMENT THERAPY is a combination of various practices and techniques on the physical and energetic body with holistic approch. It addresses discomfort, back pain, strain, misalignment and any dis-ease with the intention to find the source or the root of the issues. Over years it has been proven to be of highest efficiency and dynamic in this PREMIUM quality:

Everyone of these treatments has its purpose and can also be offered separately and has it's own great wellbeing benefits. 

Breuss Spinal Massage

The BREUSS Massage is a very gentle spinal massage that safely stretches, nourishes, aligns and energizes the spine. It is effectively applied before or in cases also after a DORN Spinal Therapy but it is also a beautiful relaxing massage treatment in its own.

What is BREUSS Massage?

Named after the Australian healer Rudolf Breuss this massage is also called “intervertebral discs massage”. Many spine problems like pains caused by slipped intervertebral disc, lumbago e.t.c. could easily be treated without any danger and with very good chances of success. It should be understood that there is no such thing as “wear” of an intervertebral disc, but the discs are “degenerated”, and we are convinced that regeneration is possible.

In case of osteoporosis or pains this massage is done very slightly. It must not cause any pain. In case of very great spine problems, strong pains or hard muscles the Breuss massage is an ideal preparation for the Dorn Therapy.
BREUSS massage is a sensitive, energetic manual massage of the back to dissolve psychical, energetic or physical blockages. The BREUSS massage may start the regeneration process of undernourished intervertebral discs, and it is the key for the solution of many problems of the locomotor system, especially in the area of the sacrum, be it prior to the Dorn therapy or thereafter.
How does BREUSS Massage work?

The massage helps stretch the spine, relaxing it, softening hardened muscles so that the body is painlessly able to accept spinal adjustment towards it’s natural state whilst also encouraging fluid between the discs, a natural lubricant promoting better shock absorption from our daily activities, thus lessening pain.
In practice, the massage is assisted by a specifically selected sometimes warmed oil so as to penetrate deep into various tissues, stimulating synovial fluid in the joints, encouraging absorption and healing. From the neck to the coccyx, gentle hand motions move along the spinal path, promoting a positive energy flow, placating nerves, stimulating cerebrospinal fluid and gently stretching the body. It re-energizes the spinal discs, alleviating pain, counteracting stress and depression.

Holistic approach in further “Touch-For-Health” healing technique:

Oil and silk-paper (Japanese paper) placed onto the spine the therapist moves now the hands with a light touch downwards along the back. The paper acts as a capacitor and insulator for the now stirred up energy.

Magnetizing: The therapist now channels live force (divine energy, love, light etc.) for the patient with the hands resting on the back in various positions. Energy blockages on all body levels physical, mental, emotional and spiritual can be resolved.

Dorn Spinal Alignment

The DORN Method - Changing the Face of Back Therapy

Success doesn't have to be complicated! Dorn is gentle, safe, and what can be described as one of the most effective therapies available! Dorn now boasts nearly 40 years of history and is growing in popularity throughout the world.
The DORN Method is a gentle and safe way to correct misalignments of the Spinal Column and other joints, designed to help relieve back and joint pain along with associated problems areas such as neck pain, headaches, hip, sciatica, jaw, knee, shoulder and other problem areas. It is also a true self help treatment, free of unpleasant side effects, completely safe with no medication being required. People who come for treatment are shown very simple tips and techniques to take away with them so they can help themselves to stay pain free.

How does the DORN Method actually work?

There is no magic about The DORN Method, it's really all based on physics, fact and common sense, and a little help from the client who assists the DORN therapist.
The correction of a misaligned joint can sometimes prove quite difficult, and a forceful manual correction might cause more damage than good. To correct joints which are held by the inertia of our muscles we need to undertake any correction in a dynamic, moving action, employing the use of muscle distraction.

During Dorn Method therapy, the client actively moves the joint while the therapist gently pushes or guides it back into its proper position using only the thumb or hand. At work are logical mechanical principles of counter pressure and levering forces. Combine this with the active participation of the client who provides muscle mobilisation, this form of correction is usually readily accepted by our body. 
The correction of a misaligned joint can sometimes prove quite difficult, and a forceful manual correction might cause more damage than good. To correct joints which are held by the inertia of our muscles we need to undertake any correction in a dynamic, moving action, employing the use of muscle distraction.

During a DORN spinal therapy, the client actively moves the joint while the therapist gently pushes or guides it back into its proper position using only the thumb or hand. At work are logical mechanical principles of counter pressure and levering forces. Combine this with the active participation of the client who provides muscle mobilisation, this form of correction is usually readily accepted by our body.
What is the DORN METHOD?
DORN consists of a number of simple exercises and techniques which aim to help joints and vertebrae slip back into their natural positions. In addition, a very gentle spinal back massage is given to safely stretch, align, energize and relax the spine.
A range of simple after care exercises are also provided for clients to take away and practise in order to help them benefit over the long term. For example, clients are shown simple, easy to learn short exercises to perform each day to help keep the hip and the lower back in place.
  •     DORN is a gentle spinal and joint therapy designed to help alleviate back problems and other common health problems caused by a wrongly placed vertebrae or differing leg lengths.
  •     It is a non manipulate treatment and helps joints and vertebrae slip back into their natural position through self determined movements of the client.
  •     It has its origins in Germany where it is now one of the most widely used therapies for back pain. Over many years it has spread over Europe and Canada.
  •     It is a holistic treatment which means other areas may be also helped as a consequence of working on the meridian and nerve system of the body.
  •     It is free of unpleasant side effects, completely safe and is an innocuous treatment. No medication is required.
  •     It is a very safe treatment, without a single report of client injury in its history.
  •     All corrections only happen in a dynamic way, that is, with the client aiding therapy by actively participating with the therapist.

The DORN Method offers long term benefits

The DORN Method is a combination of three parts, which together provide an overall maintenance and preventative joint care system designed to look after the body over the long term.
As well as the actual therapy, which focuses on looking for and correcting imbalances within the body, DORN also promotes the use of better posture in day to day life. For example, simple suggestions include not sitting crossed legged or not slouching whilst seated in front of the computer at work; these are typical bad habits we fall into, and which over time can lead to health problems.

DORN also teaches a set of simple, easy to learn self-help exercises which are designed to be taken away and practised at home to maintain balance in the body and good health over the long term. A few minutes spent each day for example on a simple leg length correction exercise, can help to keep the hip joint in place, and the spine sitting straight.

Who benefits from the DORN Treatment?

Basically everybody who even feels stiffness along the spine.
The DORN Method was developed as a therapy which focuses on the alleviation of common back and joint pain including neck pain, the hip, knees, shoulder, jaw, etc., and correction of leg length difference. Therefore it is very beneficial for  athletes or any sports person.

DORN is also applied with clients who suffer from migraines or headaches. The therapy aims to restore balance to the body, moving joints and vertebrae back to their natural correct positions, consequentially Dorn may also have beneficial effects on other related common health problems.

Did You Know...

Sitting with crossed legs, wrong sitting positions and wrong stretching exercise can cause a subluxation of the hip joint and lead to a difference in leg length. Long sitting in a car also shows this result. The femural head (bone of the upper leg) is levered out of its natural position in the hip socket. 


Holistic approach! Highly recommended and most effective!

More information and/or appointment?
Phone: 275-8245 or 738-2469 or e-mail contact