April 25, 2017

Upcoming Workshop in Trinidad AND Tobago:

Detailed Information

This clearing and activation is a gift to humanity especially for all those who were born through a prematurely raptured or forceful cut of the amniotic sack as in a Caesarean or for mothers with epidural analgesia or any infiltration of synthetic substances such as injections, amnesia at spinal surgery as the codes of your blueprint for this lifetime was either not completely downloaded, therefore missing, distorted, fractured or partially shut down. This causes difficulties to find your life purpose, what you came here for to do, with an inclination to indecisiveness, frustration or depression.
Soul fulfillment and soul liberation is only possible if all the codes of your blueprint are complete, active and alive along your spinal cord to send the correct electromagnetic signals in your neurological system.

This workshop entails an introductory about where we are as human beings in Mother Earth’s history and provides you with the powerful energies of the

DNA Flush & Blueprint Activation

in a deeply meditative guided form with higher beings of the supreme living light as an activation initiating the inner processes of soul alignment as a powerful gateway to soul fulfillment.

A Gift To Humanity

On our evolutionary soul-path we might realize that we are not able to go beyond a specific level of inner growth, continuously struggling with specific energetic blockages within us over and over again, or being generally indecisive, facing mental disfunction in mindful processes, experience lack of clarity in the direction of our life’s purpose and mission as our inner life and living light compass cannot align with our Higher Self. These are aspects we face if the codes in our DNA and blueprint are either missing, fractured or not accessible. Some might even feel completely lost in society or in this world. This can lead to frustration or depression, compensated by a tendency to cover up with aiming for desires with short term satisfaction leading to any form of addictive behaviour, helplessness, soul loneliness, being unable to maintain healthy relationships and in worst cases resulting into tendencies of violence or suicide with other life circumstances adding up.

It is not known to most of people even those spiritually awoken that if our DNA strands are blocked or not active and our blueprint codes are not completely available and active that this hinders soul growth and evolution. And this is what this workshop is assisting you with.

Our DNA is subject to where aspects in our human history have been altered, blocked, dysfunctional or even shut down heavily to only two active strands operating in a 3rd dimensional density or holographic reality. Within the evolutionary ascension path of Mother Earth herself into higher dimensions, we all, who have chosen to be here in human form in this time are in need to adjust ourselves permanently and accordingly and choose to align with the benevolent energies of the Aquarian Age. This results in the necessary process of de-conditioning, re-programming and unlearning of outdated beliefs, attachments and blockages in our energetic body system so that we can move out of the density of the Piscean Age into higher dimensional frequencies required and desired. As whole of humanity is presently in this process, the DNA Flush is a most helpful and powerful tool of adjustment to uplift, support and assist the transcendental and transformational process in our bodies, to even make it possible for our DNA to (re-)activate step by step to its original template for necessary soul liberation and higher level consciousness on the ascension path.

Our Soul Blueprint contains the summary of all our living light codes, a template with these energies accessible within all of our cells and atoms within our human body enabling us to live out our life's purpose in alignment with what is called our Higher Self or our Supreme Living Creator Being that we are.
As an essential foundation of inner prosperity and wealth of creation it is in many of us either not accessed properly as much needed due to living light codes damaged or completely missing for reasons such as interferences with the natural birthing process, like the caesarean or any form of intrusion with our spinal fluid via spinal injections or surgeries as well as other toxic infiltrations in synthetic form via synthetic drugs, effects of vaccination, but also low density and chemically treated and altered food, synthetic fumes either inhaled or penetrated through the pores of our skin.

Event Details

"I am most honored and commited to be able conducting this workshop

in my intention to serve humanity and Mother Earth."

Sofia Clara

Contact for Questions & Bookings

Phone: +1 868 639 8865
Mobile: +1 868 738 2469 or +1 868 275 8245
E-Mail: balanceyourlife@online.de